We’re back again with another five questions this week, and we just so happened to bring at least five answers to go along with them.
For those of you new to the format, every once in a while we take questions from email, The College Info Geek Community on Reddit, our Instagram (Thomas | Martin) or Twitter (Thomas | Martin) accounts, or anywhere else we can think of.
We then take these questions and answer them one right after the other, allowing us to answer questions that we either don’t think need a full episode on their own or that we simply aren’t ready to give a full episode to quite yet.
Here are the questions we’ll be answering this week:
- How do you budget your expenses when you have no income?
- How can I stay productive while depressed?
- How can I learn to speak a language as fluently as a native speaker?
- How can I keep my ailing mastermind group alive?
- What is personal branding?
Things mentioned in this episode:
This week’s episode is sponsored by:
- Brilliant: Accelerate your learning in math, science, and computer science. Start learning for free at Brilliant.org/CollegeInfoGeek — and if you’re one of the first 83 people to use this link, you’ll also get 20% off your subscription.
- Skillshare: with over 20,000 courses in a wide range of different skills, Skillshare can help you take things to the next level. Get started with 2 free weeks of unlimited learning at Skillshare.com/geek.
Other things we mentioned in this episode:
- Thomas’ Ninja Warrior Training Routine (Ep. 241)
- The Science Behind Why You Procrastinate
- 6 Steps to Stop Procrastinating NOW
- How to Break Your Procrastination Habit (For Good)
- Buffer: Why Practice Actually Makes Perfect: How to Rewire Your Brain for Better Performance
- Rand Fishkin’s SEO course on Skillshare
- Build A Personal Brand You Can Be Proud Of
- The Art Of Promoting Yourself (Ep. 4)
- Promote Yourself, by Dan Schawbel
Want more cool stuff? You can find all sorts of great tools at my Resources page.
- 0:04:41 – Budgeting when you don’t have a stable source of income
- 0:11:14 – Staying productive while dealing with depression
- 0:27:25 – Sponsor: Brilliant (Learning problem-solving skills)
- 0:30:02 – Sponsor: Skillshare (Learning new skills)
- 0:31:51 – Speaking a foreign language as well as a native speaker
- 0:43:54 – Keeping a Jedi Council alive
- 0:48:33 – Building your personal brand
- 1:02:05 – Conclusion
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