After a few weeks of frantic paddling and arm-waving, our fists have once again triumphantly emerged from the sea of reader questions in which we perpetually swim.
And once again, we’ve dragged up five of the best ones to answer for you today.
One interesting question we’ll be tackling this week is: What do I do if all my best friends aren’t as ambitious as I am?
This is a question that usually stems from advice given by the oft-quoted speaker Jim Rohn:
“You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
Is that actually true? If so, should you ditch your lazier friends and go searching for more ambitious ones?
We’ll weigh in on those questions in this episode, along with other questions including:
- How many Pomodoro sessions do you use to complete a task?
- How do I prioritize my savings goals?
- Should you major in photography or engineering? (the classic passion-vs-practicality question)
- How do I choose what topic to build my personal brand around?
Things mentioned in this episode:
- Portia spider
- The Pomodoro Technique
- Tomighty
- Heli Attack 2
- The Procrastination Equation, by Dr. Steel Piers
- Procrastination Equation article on LessWrong
- 10 Steps to Earning Awesome Grades (While Studying Less), by Thomas Frank
- Jedi Councils – No Star Wars Spoilers, I Promise (Ep. 89)
- Stress Strategy: How to Use Stress to Your Advantage (Ep. 119)
- The Happiness Equation, by Neil Pasricha
- The Happiness Equation (Ep. 117)
- Mint
- Protect Your Savings with a Spending Firewall
- Budgeting Guide
- Betterment
- Listen Money Matters Podcast
- Starting a Franchise with Laura Novak
- Little Nest Portraits
- Photography courses on udemy
- Photography courses on
- Stuck In Customs
- Photography courses on Stuck In Customs
- World Domination Summit
- The Fizzle Show
- Nerd Fitness
- Smart Passive Income
- Marques Brownlee on YouTube
- Marques Brownlee on Twitter
- The Complete, Step-By-Step Guide To Creating A Successful Blog
- The Ultimate Guide to Building a Personal Website
- Fizzle 5 week free trial
- Precision Dance Pads
Want more cool stuff? You can find all sorts of great tools at my Resources page.
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