We’re answering your questions today!
In this reader questions episode, we’ll go over how to spend a break productively, whether you should dorm with a friend or a stranger, how to resist the siren’s song of multitasking, how to internalize the internet’s infinite self-help advice, and how to deal with intimidating professors.
Most of these questions have been pulled from February’s monthly topic request thread in the College Info Geek community on Reddit.
If you’d like to get your questions answered on a future episode, post it in a new thread there or use the current month’s topic request thread!
Things mentioned in this episode:
- The Productivity Project
- 5 Lessons from the Productivity Project
- The Worst Thing You Can Do for Your Productivity
- Hick’s Law
- Shakuhachi Zen Buddhist meditation music
- X Japan – Art of Life
- The Mars Volta
- Tom’s Review of that dumb vampire music album
- My Brain’s Stronger than Your Brain
- The Motivation Hacker
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