When inspiration strikes, everything feels possible. Unfortunately, that feeling doesn’t always stick around for long.
This happens to me most often when I’m traveling. It doesn’t have to be far — even staying in a different neighborhood for the night can spark new ideas. But then, once I’m home, it’s like the inspired part of my brain simply shuts off, passing off all thinking duties to whichever section held all of my previous routines.
Of course, that’s just the default course of action. Having noticed this effect a sufficient number of times, I’ve been working on ways to keep that burst of energy past its initial expiration date.
Inspiration can be elusive, so we should pay attention when it shows up. The next time it does, will you capture it, or just let it slip?
Things mentioned in this episode:
This week’s episode is sponsored by:
- FreshBooks: Accounting and invoicing software that automates your tasks and lets you get back to doing your real work. Get your first 30 days free by going to FreshBooks.com/CIG and entering College Info Geek in the “How did you hear about us?” section.
- Hover: Your personal brand is important, and it starts with your domain name. Get 10% off your first domain name purchase by going to Hover.com/cig.
Other things we mentioned in this episode:
Want more cool stuff? You can find all sorts of great tools at my Resources page.
- 0:03:22 – Traveling and escaping your routines, or resetting them
- 0:13:02 – Feeling overwhelmed and and granting yourself small wins
- 0:21:57 – Sponsor: FreshBooks (Managing your invoices)
- 0:23:56 – Sponsor: Hover (Buying a domain name)
- 0:26:14 – Giving yourself the freedom to explore things
- 0:31:54 – Pushing past slight inconveniences
- 0:34:52 – Making the most use out of your limited time
- 0:40:01 – Going cold turkey on habits that waste your time
- 0:42:03 – Getting hit by inspiration and how to take advantage of it
- 0:45:48 – Recap and conclusion
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