Stop Being Broke: 100+ Ways to Make Money in College – Winter 2023

The “broke college student” stereotype is part of our culture. So much so, that some students use it as a badge of honor, bragging about how they manage to survive only on instant noodles. While we’re all about thriftiness and resourcefulness, we think the “broke student” stereotype is a limiting belief.

Just because you’re a college student, that doesn’t mean you have to be broke. There are a whole host of ways you can make money as a student, and they go well beyond stereotypical student jobs like delivering pizza and working fast food.

In fact, we’ve come with over 100 ways you can make money in college, and you’ll find them all below. For easier reading, we’ve broken these ways down into 11 different categories. Feel free to click on any of the links below to jump straight to the category that interests you, or read the whole guide from start to finish for the ultimate dose of inspiration.